Hi, I'm Tilo Schwarz
I'm passionate about helping leaders give wings to their team.
As an author and co-founder of the Campus for Leaders at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, I help leaders develop their teams' adaptiveness and creativity, especially through coaching and practicing a scientific way of thinking and working together.
During my time as a plant manager, I had the honor to be part of an extraordinary team. We won the A. T. Kearny manufacturing competition "Factory of the Year" and were awarded second place in the WHU/INSEAD contest "Best Factory".
My management team and I started practicing Toyota Kata in 2007, piloting with Mike Rother for his fundamental research.
I have written several books and occasionally speak at large companies and international events.
Alternative Leadership - Wings for Your Team
Leadership is needed more then ever, just in a different way.
The future is not predefined. If we develop and nurture imagination, inventiveness, and exploration in our teams, companies, and society, we can make any future we want. It is time for optimism.
That requires active optimists. People who have a definite, optimistic vision for the future and work together to make it possible.
We still have far too few of them. Helping people to become active optimists is a core leadership task of our time.
But all this requires a different kind of leadership. What is needed is leadership that enables individuals and teams to develop something new and of their own — instead of executing instructions and strategic plans.
Leadership that develops abilities promotes teamwork at eye level and creates a motivating atmosphere — giving direction instead of micromanagement — coaching instead of instructing — developing leaders instead of followers — we instead of I.
People first, then process, leaders last.
How is all this supposed to work? There is still a lot to learn and find out. But there are some very successful approaches to get started. Let's begin developing an alternative leadership that gives wings to our teams.

Join me in developing adaptiveness and creativity in our teams
so we can achieve great things together.
What you will get from me:
In my newsletter, I share findings on leadership, coaching and practicing a scientific way of thinking and working together.
Occasionally I publish longer articles from my blog hosted at Campus for Leaders, University of Applied Science, Ansbach. (Once or twice per month)
No spam ever. Just high-quality tips and insights for improving your leadership.
Want to contact me?
You can reach me on LinkedIn and Twitter or simply write me an email.
I allways like to hear from you.